A Visit to Hoboken
Hoboken is a small city in New Jersey situated along the Hudson River that was originally part of the Pavinia, Netherland colony when it was settled in the 17th century. In the 19th century the city was then developed by Colonel John Stevens as a resort before later becoming a residential neighborhood for affiliates of Stevens College. It became a township in 1849 and a city in 1855. During the 20th century it had many industries and its waterfront was a major port for New Jersey and New York. It was also a port for embarkation for solders during both World Wars. Now, New Jersey is a very trendy hub filled with young professionals who either live and work in New Jersey or commute to New York City.
Hoboken is home of Frank Sinatra and Cake Boss. It was here that the first officially recorded baseball game took place, making Hoboken the birthplace of America’s past-time (It's hard to believe that being Dominican). During 4th of July celebrations, it brings in huge crowds to look at the fireworks. The bars and restaurants in Hoboken are very interesting and have unique, creative themes. The parks are great places to relax, workout, catch up with friends, or watch movies outdoors. Other attractions are art galleries, markets, kids parks, and museums.
There's something about Hoboken that makes me take everyone I know there. I think it is because I like to see their reactions when I take them to the Urban Pier A park to see the views it has to New York. I always try to get there before the "The Golden Hour" to see how the island of Manhattan changes colors and slowly turns black, speckled with city lights.
Being inside and experiencing the island of NYC is incredible in and of itself, but being able to see the skyline from an interesting place like Hoboken is fascinating. If you get a chance, go visit. You can get there by the New Jersey transit, The Path, and the ferry from NYC. Taking the ferry to or from NYC is also a good idea on a cool, summer day.
Una visita a Hoboken
Hoboken es una pequeña ciudad en Nueva Jersey situada al lado del Río Hudson, que originalmente era parte de Pavinia, Netherland, colonia establecida en el siglo 17. En el siglo 19 la ciudad fue desarrollada por el Coronel John Stevens como un lugar de esparcimiento y descanso para luego convertirse en un vecindario residencial para afiliados al Stevens College. Se convirtió en municipio en 1849 y en ciudad en 1855. Durante el siglo 20 tuvo muchas industrias y su línea costera fue el puerto principal para Nueva Jersey y Nueva York. También fue puerto de embarcación militar durante las dos Guerras Mundiales.
Ahora, Nueva Jersey es un eje central de tendencia llena de profesionales jóvenes que viven o trabajan en Nueva Jersey o bien se trasladan a la Ciudad de Nueva York.
Hoboken es hogar de Frank Sinatra y del conocido Cake Boss. Fue aquí que oficialmente se grabó un juego de beisbol, lo que convirtió a Hoboken en el lugar donde nació el pasatiempo de América (es difícil de creer siendo Dominicana).Las celebraciones del 4 de Julio, lo que congrega a inmensas multitudes que se reúnen a observar los fuegos artificiales. Los bares y restaurantes de Hoboken son muy interesantes de temática única y creativa. Los parques son excelentes para la relajación, el ejercicio, para reunirse con amigos o mirar películas en los exteriores. Otras atracciones son las galerías de arte, mercados, parques infantiles y museos.
Hay algo de Hoboken que me hace llevar a todo aquel que conozco a conocerlo. Y creo que es para ver las reacciones de cuando los llevo al parque urbano Pier A, con su impresionante vista hacia Nueva York. Siempre trato de llegar ahí antes de “La hora dorada! Para ver cómo la isla de Manhattan cambia de color y lentamente se turna negra, salpicada de las luces de la ciudad.
Estar dentro y experimentar en la Ciudad de Nueva York es increíble de por sí, pero tener la oportunidad dever el horizonte desde un lugar tan interesante como lo es Hoboken, es verdaderamente fascinante. Si tienes oportunidad, ve a visitarlo. Puedes llegar a través del tránsito de Nueva Jersey, El PATH y el ferry que sale de Nueva York. Tomar el ferry de o hacia la ciudad de Nueva York, es también una buena idea en un día fresco de verano.
This very impressive terminal was designed by Kenneth M. Murchiso, an architect from the firm that designed the masterpiece original Pennsylvania Station in Manhattan. Hoboken Terminal was built in the 1970’s and restored in the 1980’s and mid 2000’s
The terminal’s exterior and interior space incorporate the Beaux-Arts architecture style. A beautiful Tiffany glass ceiling rises more than fifty feet above the main waiting room with walls of limestone, iron, and bronze. It also has ornate cast iron railings that line the stairs. Additionally, the main concourse is adorned in Greek Revival motifs.
The building's most recognizable feature is its copper-adorned façade. The shed was innovative at the time because of its cantilevered design of steel, glass, and concrete that offered lower construction and maintenance costs.
The station contains NJ transit buses and railroad lines, the PATH to New York City, Jersey City and Newark, and the NY Waterway service to lower Manhattan.
Being inside the waiting area in the Hoboken Lackawanna terminal is like being in another time. It is a walk through the years, almost as if you’re in a time machine. In Hoboken, you begin your journey in 1970, but when you get to New York you arrive in the most contemporary train hub in NYC-the Oculus station (See the blog post about the Oculus).
Hoboken undergoes a noticeable transition from the day to the night. During the day, it is nice to walk around and explore. A chambray fabric dress is perfect for warm weather since it is light weight. It is also comfortable to wear as you ride on the train. To make the red from the handmade bag really pop, I wore red heels and a red lip.
Night is the perfect time to go to one of the many restaurants then bars, wearing something similar to this long sheer black dress with florals. The black fades into the night giving more life to the red florals of the dress.
Photography by : Edwing Roncal
Instagram @ Edroncal